Dear friends, I am proud to share with you my latest book. Since the time I started covering Kashmir in the late 90’s and I saw first-hand the ethnic cleansing of the Hindus of Kashmir, I have been – and I remain – fiRst and foremost- a defender of Hindus. They are a wonderful people that have been cruelly persecuted throughout the centuries – and yet kept their faith, tolerance and knowledge: “Who am I, why am born again and again, what is Dharma, what is Karma, why does God, He or She, manifest throughout the ages, using different names and Scriptures… Therefore this book is dedicated to ALL the Hindus on this Planet.

I have also stood-up for Narendra Modi since 2002, when he was unfairly accused of having engineered the Godhra riots . I am probably the only western journalist who supported him since then – and it costs me, as many of my western journalist peers ( & French diplomats) shunned me and labelled me as a ‘right wing Hindu lover and islamophobe’. I nevertheless continue to be a fan of Mr Modi: he is the BEST Prime Minister India ever had, he has done wonderful deeds in 10 years and there is nobody in sight that can match his hard work and devotion to Mother India. Thus he NEEDS to be re-elected for a third term. Yet, I am bit worried about certain trends that are emerging, which may not be noticed by all, but could increase in the next five years and harm Bharat’s emergence not only as a superpower, but also, as Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and so many saints emphasized, as the spiritual leader of the world. As a journalist who always stood for truth, I have to state them. And this is also what this book is about


François Gautier


  1. I fully endorse your opinion on Modi. I do not have hesitation to say I am out and out Modi supporter. In order to ensure and continue the good work of last 10 years, it is necessary to have course correction. It is required to have open debate so that wrong things taking place in the administration is corrected.Also there is need to open build young forward looking leaders to take us to the next phase of Indian development and to push the Indian cultural reach to greater International audience , so that it will enhance the Country’s soft power. I will read your book and give my comments. Merci. Mon Ami Francois.

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